
Every gift on The Warehouse comes with the option of sending an e-card or a mailed card to your recipient. You’ll choose when you check out.
Stretchers are an indispensable part of MSF’s work. They’re regularly put into action in areas of conflict; packed onto MSF boats during visits to remote areas; loaded into the back of MSF Land Cruisers; used in hospitals when beds are in short supply; and are a key element in our inflatable hospital kit. Lightweight and durable, and made of stain-resistant vinyl that can be easily cleaned and disinfected after each use, stretchers help MSF stabilize patients in crisis and transport them safely to the lifesaving care they need.
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Send a doctor to work for a day, and you’re sending a person who will help provide essential medical care to people facing crises.

Safe Water Kit
Help MSF support communities in safeguarding their water supply and help stop the spread of water-borne disease.

From setting up health centres to training local staff to providing hands-on medical care in a crisis, MSF nurses are an indispensable part of every MSF mission.